IT Solutions

IT Outsourcing

Through our IT outsourcing services, you can use an affordable price to build up your IT team. We will evaluate your company’s IT environment regularly, deploy up-to-day IT solutions to fit your business need.

Technical Support

Regular onsite support
Regular support log / docs
Remote support
Anti-virus update
Trouble shooting

Network security checking

Firewall management
Network traffic control
VPN Setup
Network filter
Internet user behavior control

Server Maintenance

Server performance checking
Server security checking
Server Backup solutions
Windows server deployment
Linux server deployment

Proactive IT risk assessment

Software Update
Hardware lifecycle management
IT Environment assessment
Software license management
IT Training

Network Construction

We are experienced in LAN / WLAN / CCTV solutions, from small office to large floor network construction.

LAN Construction

SCS cabling design Cat5e/Cat6
Cable Testing
Cabling installation
In progress Reporting
Faceplate installation

CCTV Construction

Camera setup
View Angle & Focus adjustment
DVR configuration
PVC conduit work
UPS installation

WLAN Construction

WLAN planning
AP Installation
AP management
WLAN coverage planning
WLAN Testing

Network Configuration

Broadband setup
Firewall / UTM setup
Network switch installation
Server rack cabinet installation
UPS installation

Hardware / Software

PC / laptop acquisition
Server acquisition
Software acquisition
Corporate license acquisition
Computer related equipment